La Rochelle, France (7 jours/7)

Mathieu Genu

Building analysis and visualization tools

I have a master’s degree from Agrocampus Ouest school of Rennes, France. I started working on the parametrization of complex ecosystem models on the themes of climate change and fishing scenarios. I have acquired data manipulation and visualization skills with R programing language.

Currently I focus my activity on data analysis and tool building (package creation, interactive application using shiny, rmarkdown). I use these skills at the Pelagis Observatory for different missions :

• My main mission is to develop an R package facilitating the analysis of data from marine megafauna observation campaigns (SPEE, CAPECET, SAMM). The R package includes functions for estimating the abundance of marine mammals based on different methods (distance sampling, K

riging, DSM: Density Surface Model), the package is available on github.
• Valuating of stranding data in the form of an interactive application (shiny), or an automated report (rmarkdown).

• Support for data analysis, in particular by guaranteeing reproducibility.

Design engineer in charge of the development of data analysis and visualisation tools
+00 33 5 16 49 67 15
